Sustainable Development in Poland

kind people, growth potential, progressive leaders and rich culture


Ahmad Zohadi

2A Magazine- Editor in Chief


Published in 2A Magazine Issue #28


During my visit to Poland, I as a journalist and chief editor of an International magazine, tried to observe a little deeper than a casual tourist. What I found in Warsaw, was much more than what I had known or heard about this beautiful city and its people. My experience was very colourful, rich and diverse, however I can pinpoint some general points about my short trip.

Studying Poland, some highlights could be shown as how the life style & people’s behaviors can have positive effects on their lives. There are roots of authenticity in pepole’s attitude and obviously the wave of the friendship, love, happiness, and kindness can be clearly observed. Throughout the history, people had been involved with the govermental and historical problems of the country, however they have been able to adjust themselves and make a beautiful life and create a sustainable country which has preseved its unique culture and customs. The government acts in a very liberal and democratic manner to create economal, cultural and social opportunities and the influence of the goverment managment is obvious, and it can be viewed in today’s modem Poland that the goverment has been acting successfully to motivate its people and facilitate development in all areas. Furthermore, there are great natural potentials in Poland that confirms the need for further development of Polish opportunities. In this context, the international turists would be able to visit not only the cultural & historical places, the sustainable cities modem places, natural attractions, urban entertainment, and enjoying other touristic facilities but also can experience the positive atmosphere, appropriate conditions which is full of respect and kind hospitality As studied. The Polish mentality accepts and respects the environment and ecological system and they try to preserve and take care of the roots of their identity and at the same time to protect nature, Poland is a green land and poles respect nature and they make the enjoyment and coexistence with nature part of their life style, the cities usually have modern and traditional places and both work together very closely and people find what ever they need in their life, on the other hand, Poles are satisfied with their lives in their homeland. About architecture, In the cities, they preserve and use its traditional identity, while at the same time incorprate the new and modern methods of architecture where they may be more practical and sustainable for today’s need, that is the poles attitude is the same in regards to art and it is the same pattern which can be seen in europe. Hence, Poland is very attractive for architects, Land scape designers, Interior designers and finaly artists for many reasons and there is a great potential for it to become a center of Green Architecture & Art in Europe. Because its ideal location which is at a cross-point of the East-West and North-South communication routes, makes the country a perfect point of attantion in this regards. Today, the church seems gentler because the landscape and the many encroaching, less monumental recent buildings soften its impact, the many matured trees protect and nurture it. The banner is remarkably well, preserved, its patina browned by time and the harsh climate. The strong, calm architecture of the adjacent new guest house shares the church’s space and reduce its majesty. The government also focus on the quality of life and the overall conditions of general publoc has improved, the country is in the group of countries with the highest degree of social development, Hence, it can be concluded that Poland is a country full of potentials for further development, growth and investment in all areas.